information management


Information and communication play an increasing role in many activities relating somehow to the healthcare: labs documenting the exclusivity of their researches, funding institutions evaluating projects, investors preparing corporate operations, producers of devices or systems exploring the market, hospital managers publishing provided services, medical or paramedical staff using or issuing patient folders.

Our experts can:

  • provide a spot task consisting of a specific investigation
  • propose tools facilitating the autonomous data mining
  • analyze potential projects based on any of the systems available for labs and hospitals, like:
    • portal for the in and out information of patients and general practitioners
    • communication server
    • EPR and HIS
    • LIS
    • PACS and PACS.2
    • clinical management software, endoscopy software, cardio info system
    • telemedicine, teleradiology, tele-endoscopy
    • intra-muros or extra-muros archiving
    • data transmission to providers of second opinion, and in a group of hospitals.

The tendency to concentration is presently general in and around the healthcare domain. It affects the producers of devices, systems and services, but also the hospitals as such. The partnership between institutions can select different ways: grouping of purchases, sharing of services, mutual referencing, selection of respective specializations, spot or structured collaborations, juridical absorption or merger.

A merger of hospitals involves the need of homogenizing the processes, of integrating the systems, of optimizing the network, of maybe migrating data, and of solving index problems affecting the archives and databases. Our experts are experienced in bringing efficient solutions to such problems.